
Boletín de la AeE

Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología

Parasitoids physiology, development and behaviour | Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent. 21 (Supl.): 67 | 1997
Wing development in parasitized male and female Sttobion avenae
P. Christiansen-Weniger & J. Hardie
The effects of ?_phidnts en-i parasitization on the wing development of male and female Sitobion avenae were investigated. All three presumptive álate morphs (males, gynoparae, álate virginoparae) developed as apterous fonns when first or early second instars were exposed to parasitoid attack. Al ate/áptero us - intermedíate forms also occured in aphids attacked from first (males and gynoparae) or early second instar larvae (álate virginoparae) up to the fourth larval instar. This effect, so late in aphid development shows that the parasitoid egg and/or calyx fluid influence wing formation in the host. The morphology of the intennedates indicated that the influence of parasitization on the host endocrinology was apterizing rather than juvenilizing.