
Boletín de la AeE

Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología

Ecosystem effects, parasitoid communities and multitrophic relationships | Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent. 21 (Supl.): 93 | 1997
Factors that influence parasitism on the leafminer Phyllocnistis citrella (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) in citrus in Valencia (Spain)
F. García-Marí, J. Costa-Comelles, R. Vercher & D. Castrillón
The citrus leafminer (CLM) Phyllocmstis ciírella Stainton is an important pest introduced in 1994 in the citrus graves of Valencia. It spread quickly all over the área, reaching very high population levéis. Several species of native parasitoids were soon found preying on the new host. In a survey made in 1995 and 1996 we took more than 150 samples of citrus shoots containing CLM, determining in each sample the percent of parasitism in different developing stages of CLM and the identity of the parasitoids. The influence on this parasitism of several factors as host population density (relative or absolute), chemical sprays, geografíc location or season of the year was studied. Populations of parasitoids from weeds present at the orchards were also identifíed and compared with species found preying on CLM. Obsewations were also made on some biológica! aspects of the parasitoids.