
Boletín de la AeE

Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología

Posters | Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent. 21 (Supl.): 136-137 | 1997
Inquilines and parasites of Plagiotrochus Mayr galls collected in the North-East of the Iberian Península
J. Pujade & P. Ros
The genus Plagiotrochus Mayr has a distribution around the mediterranean área, in association with Q. ilex, Q. coccifera and Q. súber, where the galls are found. Thirteen types of gall-formers belonging to 11 species are analysed. Many galls of these species Q?_ Plagiotrochus have been collected through 15 years in the North-East of the Iberian Península, and an impoitant amount of fauna associated with them has been obtained.

Seven cynipid inquiline species belonging to the genus Synergus Haitig. Saphonecrus Dalla Torre & Kieffer and Ceroptres Hartig, and 25 parasite species of the families: Eurytomidae (Eurytoma Illiger and Eudecatoma Ashmead), Torymidae (Torymus Dalman and Megastigmus Dalman), Onnyridae (Ormyms Westwood), Pteromalidae (Cecidostiba Thomson, Ormocents Walker and Mesopolobus Westwood), Eupelmidae (Eupelmus Dalman) and Eulophidae (Aulogymnus Forster, Aprostocetus Westwood and Pediobius Walker) are given.

These data are shown globally for the fírst time, although some of them had been presented partially in NIEVES-ALDREY & PUJADE (1986), PUJADE (1989 a & b; 1991 a & b; 1992 a, b & c; 1994 a & b), PUJADE & NIEVES-ALDREY (1990; 1993). The biologic preferences of the species studied are analysed and P.cardiguensis (Tavares) on the catkins of Q.coccifera is recorded for the fírst time.