
Boletín de la AeE

Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología

Posters | Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent. 21 (Supl.): 147 | 1997
Survey of Iberian Ichneumoninae of The Natural History Museum (Hym., Ichneumonidae)
J. Selfa
During last ten years, the author has been checking several European collections of Hymenoptera belonging to the subfamily Ichneumoninae (Ichneumonidae), with the aim of to know its composition in Spain.

In this poster, the results of a survey of material sampled froin the Iberian Península and housed in The Natural History Museum (London, U.K.) are given. The list of taxa is composed of 5 tribes, 39 genera and 59 species like this: Ichneumonini (23, 35), Listrodomini (2, 2), Phaeogenini (9, 15), Platylabini (3, 3) and Protichneumonini (2, 4).

Virgichneumon íemiipe.s (Berthoumieu, 1896) is the fírst record for Continental Europe; Dicaelotus piclus (Schmiedeknecht, 1903) and Dicaelotus pu¡ex Berthoumieu, 1906, are new in the Iberian Península. Furthermore, the fírst check list of Ichneumoninae from Poitugal is offered too.