
Boletín de la AeE

Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología

Foraging, sex and survival | Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent. 21 (Supl.): 112 | 1997
From foraging behaviour of Encarsia formosa to population dynamics: an individual-based simulation approach
H.J.W. van Roerrnund & J.C. van Lenteren
Foraging of Encarsia formosa was analysed using stochastic simulation models of the parasitoid´s behaviour in an experimental arena, on a single leaf and on a plant. The models simúlate host searching, host selection, host handling and patch leaving behaviour, and the physiological state (egg load) of the parasitoid. At all spatial scales, the shape of the functional response resembles a Type II curve. The parasitoid´s decreasing walking activity and host acceptation with decreasing egg load was responsable for that effect, and even a change in giving up time from 19 to 40 min after the fírst oviposition on the leaf did not result in an accelerated increase of the curve.

The model of foraging behaviour on individual leaves is part of a much larger model which simúlales the population dynamics of whitefly and parasitoid. The model is unique in that it is individual based and simúlales the local searching and parasitization behaviour of individual parasitoids in a whitefly-infested crop. The model includes stochasticity and spatial structure based on location coordinates of plants and leaves. This model compases several submodels for (a) the parasitoid´s foraging behaviour, (b) the whitefly and parasitoid population development, (c) dispersión of adult whiteflies and parasitoids in the crop, and for (d) leaf production. With the model we can simúlate temporal and spatial dynamics of pest and natural enemy.