
Boletín de la AeE

Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología

Posters | Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent. 21 (Supl.): 142 | 1997
Antennal structures and sex recognition in Trichopria drosophilae (Hymenoptera, Diapriidae)
R. Romani, N. Isidoro & F. Bin
Numerous behavioural studies have revealed the impoitance of antennation for sex communication in several groups of parasitic Hymenoptera. In the diapriid Tnchupñü drosophilüe it has observed that during the precopulatory phase the male mounts the female and strokes the ventro-lateral portion of the 4th antennomere on the ventral side of the female apical antennomeres hold vertically. This behaviour is usuallv repeated several times before the female reacts extruding the ovipositor and accepting the male.

L Itrastructural observations has revealed that the male 4th antennomere has on the ventro-lateral side an elongated carina. This is slightly oblique with the apical margin perforated b>´ several pores which reléase a viscous secretion produced by adjacent integumentary glands. These are bicellular secretow units consisting of one class 3 secretory cell and one canal cell forming the evacuating canal.

Bioassays effected with normal pairs. compared with pairs altered in difierent ways (antennomeres amputation or gland inactivation). have demonstrated that the carina releases and spreads a contact recognition and/or aphrodisiac pheromone on females gustatory sensilla present on the last two aníennomeres.

The biotaxonomic role of similar specialized structures in male antennomeres of other diapriids is suggested.