
Boletín de la AeE

Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología

Posters | Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent. 21 (Supl.): 149 | 1997
Diversity of Ichneumoninae in a Pyrenean área (Hyin. Ichneumonidae)
J.Selfa, J. Cuenca, J. Pujade & J. Anento
A study was conducted during 1993 for to know the composition of Hymenoptera Parasítica in a Pyrenean área from the Principality of Andorra, Material was collected with a black malaise trap, through sampling intervals of two vveeks.

In this posten an approach to the knowledge of the subfamily Ichneumoninae (Ichneumonidae) is presented. This goup is composed of 5 tribes, 29 genera and 53 species. The sex-ratio and phenology of species in relation to climate, temperature and rainfall. are discussed.