
Publication guidelines

Publication guidelines



The biannual journal Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología publishes articles, notes, literature reviews. In all cases, they must be unpublished and should treat issues in Entomology (taxonomic, faunistic, biogeographical, evolutionary, applied, and conservational studies). Also scientific news (notices) submitted by members or scientific organizations, etc. can be included.

An Article is defined as a scientific work of more than two journal pages, presented in sections. A Note is a work that is not divided into sections and that has a recommended maximum length of five pages and could include illustrations. A Book Commentary is a review on a book that has recently appeared. The opinions expressed are entirely the responsibility of the author(s).

The rules of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature should be followed and if possible its recommendations. All of the animal taxa of the categories genus and species that are mentioned in the text should, at least at first mention, give the name of the author in lower case and the year of its appearance in the biological literature (it should not be included in the Abstract). If a list or table is presented with all the taxa, it will be sufficient for the above-mentioned data to appear without being included in the text. The Latin names of these taxa should go in cursive.

The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature now provides for an Official Register of Zoological Nomenclature (with ZooBank as its online version, http://zoobank.org/). Although registration of new scientific names and nomenclatural acts is not required for publication in the Boletín (since the Boletín is published in both on-line and printed versions), authors are encouraged nevertheless to register their new taxa and nomenclatural acts, once the manuscript is accepted, prior to publication in the Boletín and report registration details in their manuscripts.

Type deposits: Articles that include the description of a new taxon of the species range should mention explicitly the scientific institution in which at least one specimen of its type series has been deposited, following Recommendation 16C of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.

Authors will present their works by electronic mail. The text must be made in Word format or similar and should be typed in the font Times or Times New Roman, double spaced on page size A4, with margins of 3 cm.

The submissions can be written in Spanish, Portuguese, English, or French. In these cases, if the authors do not write in their native tongue, they should certify that the article has been reviewed by a native speaker of that language.

The works will be sent to external reviewers chosen by the Editorial Committee with the advice of the Scientific Committee. If accepted, after the corrections required, the definitive work will be presented by email or in CD in the most up-to-date version of Word or a similar program.

The submissions will be published in strict order of their acceptance.  Each Asociación española de Entomología member will have 24 pages free of charge in each issue of the Boletín (regardless of the number of the issues involved), not counting the pages of a literature review or news.

When more than one article of an author (alone or in collaboration with others) appears in the same issue, the articles will not go consecutively but will be alternated with two articles by other authors.  The authors that are not members of the Asociación española de Entomología will pay for the publication rights at the price per page established and updated periodically by the Direction staff.

Authorship: It is the responsibility of the first author to guarantee that the work sent to the Boletín has not been published previously and has not been sent for publication in any other medium and that its submission to the journal has been approved by all the authors. It is the responsibility of the authors to seek copyright permits to reproduce the tables and figures published for the first time in other media.

The Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología is open access so that all of its volumes, including online articles, are offered from now on without registration, subscription or payment requirements. The only restriction on the distribution and reproduction of articles is to give the author control over the integrity of his work and the right to be properly recognized and cited.

The accepted article will be published in a fixed online PDF version (Online first), without pagination, on the Association´s website, not admitting any subsequent change in that version, except for the final pagination in the printed version.


Each article shall be composed of the following points in this order:

1) Title in the language of the text, without using entire upper case, with the Latin names of genus and species in cursive and with their reference, and taxonomical levels of family or higher separated by commas (e.g. Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Also, a short title should be indicated for the top of the page.

2) Name of the author or authors with full first and last names. In a paragraph apart the complete addresses of each author, ORCID identifier (if they had it) and the electronic mail should be added.

3) Abstract in the language of the text, concise, with 12 lines maximum.

4) Key words in the language of the text, 10 maximum, arranged in descending rank, separated by commas, and constituting a section apart from the Abstract.

5) Title, Abstract and Key words in English (if the text is in Spanish), or in Spanish (if the text is in any other language), presented as indicated under points 1, 3, and 4. 

6) A third Title, Abstract and Key words may be added in any of the other languages spoken in Spain.

7) Text of the article should be structured into sections of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, Bibliography, and Appendix and should abide by the criteria set by the Editorial Committee. The main section titles should be justified to the left margin and the secondary ones centred.

Regarding the material studied, long series of capture data in trivial or ubiquitous species should be avoided. Group citations by countries, provinces, and localities, with indications of each capture in chronological order, and by number and sex of the specimens as well as collector.  The use of UTM coordinates of the sampling locations is recommended. For measurements and scales, the metric decimal system should be used.

Bibliographical citations in the text should include the last name of the author in upper case without small caps, followed by the year in parenthesis.  Example: “...as indicated by AKRIMI (1986)” or “...according to KOTTELAT & FREYHOF (2007)”, for the case of two authors (using &). Or else: “...in subsequent works (BARAUD, 1975)” or “...in later studies (TOBIAS & TOBIAS, 2007)”.  When there are more than two authors, the abbreviation of et al. should be used (e.g. GARCÍA et al., 1987).  With more than one reference of the same author and year, a distinction should be made by a lower-case letter placed immediately after the year (e.g. LÓPEZ, 1987a). After the author a comma (,) should be placed and between dates by the same author, while a semi-colon (;) should go between different authors (e.g. LÓPEZ, 1987a; CALLE et al., 2000, 2002, 2003a, b, c).  References to personal communication should be abbreviated as follows:  (OSORIO, pers. com., 1987). Species authorship should be in the language of the text, with “y” if the text is in Spanish, with “and” if it is in English, with “et” if it is in French, etc.: Epirrhoe galiata (Denis y Schiffermüller, 1775).

8) References should include only the references cited in the text and should adhere to the following format:

a) For an article:

BORDERA, S., J. SELFA & R. JIMÉNEZ, 1987. Contribución al conocimiento del género Enicospilus Stephens, 1835 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Boletín Asociación española de Entomología, 11(2): 221-233.

The name of the journal is written in full and in cursive. The issues of the volumes go in parenthesis together with the volume.

b) For a book or non-periodic publication:

COBOS, A., 1979. Fauna ibérica de coleópteros Buprestidae. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Madrid. 364 pp., 60 lám.

Doctoral theses need to have been published; unpublished theses do not constitute a publication and therefore should be avoided as bibliographical references.

In articles with the same author in collaboration with others, the order will be first alphabetically for the first author, then for the second author and if necessary for the third or fourth, etc. Once ordered in this way, the publication date will be taken into account

c) For a book chapter:

BERGSTROM, J., 1969. Morphology of Fossil Arthropods as a Guide to Phylogenetic Relationships. In GUPTA, A.P. (Ed.): Arthropod Phylogeny: 3-56. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. New York.

If an author’s name has two initials they should be written together (e.g. MAGURAN, A.E.).

The titles of articles or books that originally were not written in the Roman alphabet shall be written in English or Spanish, indicating in brackets the original language of the title.

9) Appendix, if one exists, should be enumerated with Arabic numerals.  It is recommended, in faunistic works, to include an appendix indicating the localities mentioned and their UTM coordinates if possible.

10) Ilustrations and tables.  Drawings, graphs, maps, or photographs will be published as figures.  In the text, the figures in parenthesis should be abbreviated “Fig.” (Figs., if they are several) followed by Arabic numerals. Tables should be accompanied by Roman numerals. Figures and Tables should follow a single correlative enumeration when cited in the text, at least at first mention.

The drawings, diagrams, or graphs are presented in the original or in a computerized version in a standard format (TIFF, JPEG) with a minimum resolution of 1200 dpi for figures in black and white, or 300 dpi for photographs.  These can be grouped in plates with a size equal to that of one page of the journal (c. 19.5 x 13.0 cm), leaving space for the legend.

Neither photos nor figures in colour will be published in the printed version, unless the author pays the expenses involved. Colour will be published with no additional cost in the electronic version.

Each abbreviation used in an illustration, table, or appendix should be explained in the legend.

Tables that occupy more than 2 pages of text will be transferred to the Appendix section.

11) Legends for illustrations and tables should be written in the language of the article with a translation into English (or Spanish if applicable). This translation should be written in a paragraph apart.



Similar to those for articles. Notes will be composed only of points 1, 2, and 8, with bibliographical references in the following line. An accompanying illustration may be used. The names of the authors, with the complete address, should go at the end of the text. The title should be translated into English or, if applicable, into Spanish.



Similar to those of articles and should be composed of:

  • Complete reference of the book discussed, including the ISBN.
  • Text of the commentary.
  • Author of the commentary and postal address.


Last revision of this guidelines november 2021.